This is our story

On 24/11/2018, 50 foundation students of the poorest of meritorious students started their journey to the quiz contest, painting competition and cultural establishment ... The name was collected for the purpose of the education of the student student. In continuation of this we postpone the next 22/12/18 for distribution of Shibt Shastra. If someone wishes to join us in the Foundation, then the following forms are requested to be filled. You can solve all the problems in our country. 


Meet the real world heroes

Sadika Zaman 

Finance, dinghy Foundation

Computer Science and Engineering, North Western University .

First and Last Name

Click here and start typing. Qui dolorem ipsum quia.

                     EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2018-2019


Support our mission

                                    We urgently need your support!

Right now, Dinghy foundation is working tirelessly around the clock to reach every child caught up in this unprecedented children's emergency. Your support is vital in enabling the survival of these children and in ensuring they have the chance to develop, thrive and reach their full potential.


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